Faculty of Arts and Sciences


Students who have successfully completed the program:

PO 1. S/He has mastered the cultures of the languages in which s/he works; s/he has a general culture on a national and international scale.
PO 2. Turkish and English languages are used in different communication situations by mastering proper pronunciation and diction.
PO 3. S/He has the level of terminology and special field knowledge to be able to translate in the fields s/he works in.
PO 4. S/He has awareness of translation studies approaches and its importance today.
PO 5. S/He is able to use information and translation technologies effectively.
PO 6. S/He is able to transfer written, oral, audio and visual texts to the target language in accordance with the employer's demands, the characteristics of the text, the reception conditions, the terms used, the language of the area and the local usage.
PO 7. S/He is able to evaluate and correct translations in terms of the content, visual characteristics and appropriateness of the source text for its purpose.
PO 8. S/He follows national and international developments in the field of translation studies, continuously improves his/her professional knowledge and skills, and carries out relevant projects.
PO 9. S/He has the ability to think critically and creatively, solve problems and analyze-synthesize-evaluate.
PO 10. S/He acts in accordance with the principles of professional ethics.
PO 11. S/He conducts interdisciplinary studies.
PO 12. S/He is able to cooperate with relevant sectors.
PO 13. S/He specializes in at least one of the areas of and/or translation and interpreting.
PO 14. S/He translates English - Turkish languages ​​and can read, understand, analyze and translate basic texts in a third language.