Faculty of Arts and Sciences

Turkish Language and Literature Program Course Descriptions First Year

First Semester

ING-103 English IAn introductory phase of written and spoken English. The aim is to use the English level of B1 according to the European Language Portfolio.
TDE-153 Ottoman Turkish IStudents will gain necessary knowledge about Ottoman Turkish. They will read and understand texts written in Arabic script.
TDE-113 Folklore IThe aim of the course is to teach the basic concepts related to folklore, to provide information about the historical development of folklore theories, and to make the student knowledgeable about the material and spiritual cultural elements found in human life from birth to death, as well as the similarities and differences between cultures, in a scientific and systematic way.
TDE-115 Turkish Language ITo understand our native language correctly, it is necessary to first focus on its historical development and then learn the concepts and terms required for a “scientific” understanding of the language. Like any language, Turkish has its unique structure and set of rules. This course will extensively cover the basic phonetic rules of Turkish; sound units, characteristics of vowels and consonants, vowel harmony, and phonetic phenomena.
TDE-125 Turkish Folk LiteratureThe aim of the course is to examine the formation, development, and place in folk culture of the oral cultural tradition, to teach the basic concepts of folk literature, and to analyze the forms and contents of texts belonging to various types and genres of anonymous folk literature.
UNI-101 Introduction to University LifeThe aim of this course is to provide basic information to students newly joining our University about university life, academic regulations, student facilities, and personal development.
OSD (Common Elective Courses)Common Elective Courses cover various disciplines offered to all students of Çağ University in common.
First Year - Second Semester
ING-104 English IIA continuation of the introductory phase of written and spoken English. The aim is to use the English level of B1 according to the European Language Portfolio.
TDE-120 Ottoman Turkish IIThe aim of this course is to enable students to read Ottoman Turkish texts accurately.
TDE-128 Turkish SyntaxIn this course, students will learn the syntax rules of Turkish and become familiar with the phrases and word types that make up the syntax.
TDE-114 Folklore IIThe aim of this course is to deal with and evaluate the pre-Islamic belief systems - teachings - religions that feed Anatolian folklore; social norms, sanctions, and types of behavior in folk culture; material and spiritual cultural elements found in human life from birth to death during transitional periods in folk culture, with a folkloristic method and theoretical perspectives, to make the student knowledgeable.
TDE-126 Turkish Folk Literature IITo enhance knowledge about Turkish folk literature by addressing the tradition of minstrelsy and minstrel literature from past to present in the context of artists and their works.
TDE-124 Turkish Language IIAs Turkish is an agglutinative language, it is important to know about derivation and inflection suffixes and the rules of derivation. Similarly, it is necessary to carefully study word types (noun, verb, adjective, adverb, pronoun, etc.).
RKT-102 Career PlanningThe Career Planning course aims to create awareness in students about the importance of career planning in the preparation process for the business world by familiarizing them with the business world, different sectors, and the needs of these sectors. The course helps students discover their personal competencies and correctly understand the expectations of the business world, thereby aiding in the development of their knowledge and skills in line with the requirements of relevant sectors.
Second Year - Third Semester
TDE-235 Ottoman Turkish IIIAnalysis of literary and historical texts written in Ottoman Turkish during the pre-Republic period.
TDE-237 Old Turkish Literature IThis course will provide fundamental knowledge about old Turkish literature.
TAR-205 Principles and Reforms of Atatürk IThe aim of this fundamentally based course, focusing on the birth and development of modern Turkey, is to provide accurate information about the Atatürk Thought System, the history of the Republic of Turkey, and the threats to Turkey and the Atatürk Thought System; to educate and strengthen Turkish youth within an indivisible unity with their country, nation, and state in line with the Atatürk Thought System, and to unite them around national goals; to nurture individuals with rational, contemporary, dignified, hard-working, patriotic, tolerant, and humane personalities.
TDE-233 Turkish Literature of the Reform Period ITo explain the concept of new literature and to convey the historical trajectory of modern Turkish literature; to focus on the transformation of literary genres, the content and distinctive features of literary works, and literary personalities and orientations; to identify the fundamental characteristics of Servet-i Fünûn poetry; to present new forms and themes, new literary language and imagery, and new writer-text-reader relationships of the period; to compare it with its predecessors and determine its impact on subsequent periods; to introduce the general characteristics of Fecr-i Âti, Genç Kalemler, and National Literature poetry to students.
TDE-261 Turkish Folk Literature I (Elective Course)The aim of the course is to examine the formation, development, and place in folk culture of the oral cultural tradition, to teach the basic concepts of folk literature, and to analyze the forms and contents of texts belonging to various types and genres of anonymous folk literature.
OSD (Common Elective Courses)Common Elective Courses cover various disciplines offered to all students of Çağ University in common.
Second Year - Fourth Semester
TDE-262 Ottoman Turkish IVExamples from historical and literary texts: The aim is to study Arabic and Persian words.
TDE-264 Old Turkish Literature II This course will provide fundamental knowledge about old Turkish literature and literary arts. The characteristics, representatives, and works of 13th-century Old Turkish Literature will be introduced through example texts.
TAR-206 Principles and Reforms of Atatürk IIThe aim of this fundamentally based course, focusing on the birth and development of modern Turkey, is to provide accurate information about the Atatürk Thought System, the history of the Republic of Turkey, and the threats to Turkey and the Atatürk Thought System; to educate and strengthen Turkish youth within an indivisible unity with their country, nation, and state in line with the Atatürk Thought System, and to unite them around national goals; to nurture individuals with rational, contemporary, dignified, hard-working, patriotic, tolerant, and humane personalities.
TDE-246 Turkish Literature of the Reform Period IITo focus on the development of the novel genre and new literary types and themes, changes in language, writer-text-reader relationships during this period of modern literature, and to compare Tanzimat and Servet-i Fünûn novels and prose types and discuss their impact on the literature of the Republican period.
TDE-254 Old TurkicThe aim of this course is to introduce the Orkhon Turkish period and its publications; to teach the phonetic and morphological characteristics of the period and enable students to perform semantic and structural analysis of period texts.
TDE-260 Folk Tale Analysis Methods (Elective Course)To learn the definition and characteristics of the fairy tale term, its relation to other genres, the concept of fairy tale, classification, parts, types, the introduction of important fairy tale books in Turkish and World culture. To learn fairy tale types and motifs, untold stories of original fairy tales, and fairy tale analysis methods.
TDE-266 Turkish Syntax (Elective Course)In this course, students will learn the syntax rules of Turkish and become familiar with the phrases and word types that make up the syntax.
Third Year - Fifth Semester
TDE-357 Old Turkish Literature IIITo introduce the characteristics, representatives, and works of 13th and 14th-century Old Turkish Literature through example texts.
TDE-355 Turkish Literature of the Republican Period ITo research and bring to light the modern poetry genre developed throughout the Republican period up to the 1950s and the literary understandings of the authors of the era.
TDE-329 Old Anatolian TurkishThe aim of the 13-14th century Old Anatolian Turkish course is to teach the grammatical features of the period through period works.
TDE-337 Literary Theory and Criticism ITo research the historical development and origins of literary criticism, to conduct a critical examination of literary theory and criticism, focusing on critique texts that began during the Tanzimat period and became widespread in Servet-i Fünûn literature. Additionally, to read and evaluate the literary genres and main representatives of the Tanzimat and Constitutional Eras of Turkish Literature through distinguished works of the time.
TDE-361 Turkish Mythology (Elective Course)To understand the main outlines, content, and characteristics of Turkish mythology, its special elements, the reflection of mythological elements in literary works, and to evaluate how myths as symbols reappear in literary works, thereby grasping the concept of myth as one of the most important cultural treasures of a nation.
TDE-363 Comparative Literature I (Elective Course)To conduct comparative studies between world literatures in light of comparative literature theory and criticism, to compare literary texts that emerged from cultural interactions for their similarities and differences. To evaluate the thought and literary movements that have emerged from the past to the present through text analyses.
Third Year - Sixth Semester
TDE-356 Old Turkish Literature IVTo introduce the characteristics, representatives, and works of 15th-century Old Turkish Literature through example texts.
TDE-340 Middle TurkishThe acceptance of Islam deeply affected Turkish society and the Turkish language. Understanding the status of Chagatai and Anatolian dialects and the works produced during this period is crucial for comprehending the transformation experienced in Turkish language and literature.
TDE-354 Turkish Literature of the Republic Period IIResearching the literary genres that developed during the Republican period, as well as the literary perceptions of the authors of the era and bringing them to light.
TDE-334 Literature Theory and Criticism IIStudying the historical development and sources of criticism, conducting a critical examination of literary theory and criticism, focusing on Turkish literary criticism developed in theoretical perspectives throughout the Republican period, and examining selected literary works of these periods.
TDE-358 Intangible Cultural Heritage and Museology (Elective Course)Students will learn what intangible cultural heritage means and what these heritages are. They will also become acquainted with the fundamentals of museology and well-known museums around the world.
TDE-360 Comparative Literature II (Elective Course)Comparing selected works from world literature in light of comparative literature theory and criticism, examining their similarities and differences, their interactions, and analyzing types of thought and trends that have emerged from the past to the present through text analyses.
Fourth Year - Seventh Semester
TDE-443 Old Turkish Literature VIntroducing the characteristics, representatives, and works of the 16th-century Divan literature through example texts.
TDE-441 Contemporary Turkish Literature IThis course will focus on Turkish poetry after 1950. The literary aspects and poems of important figures of the era will be examined and discussed, and compared with Western poetic understanding.
ING-403 Professional English I This course aims to develop students' skills in writing, reading, and critical thinking in an academic context. In addition to these skills, the course also aims to develop speaking and listening skills with activities designed to bring students closer to the academic context and to improve their postgraduate language skills and awareness.
TDE-447 Seminar (Elective Course)Presenting an academic study prepared with appropriate methods and techniques on a designated topic.
TDE-455 Children's Literature (Elective Course)The course aims to provide students with theoretical knowledge on the historical development of children's literature in Turkey and Western countries, and the genres of children's books in terms of subject, form, and type, as well as practical skills to apply this knowledge.
TDE-463 Genres in Classical Turkish Literature (Elective Course)This course will introduce the poetic and prose genres of Classical Turkish Literature.
Fourth Year - Eighth Semester
TDE-456 Old Turkish Literature VIIntroducing the characteristics, representatives, and works of Divan literature from the 17th to the 19th century through example texts.
ING-404 Professional English IIThis course aims to develop students' skills in writing, reading, and critical thinking in an academic context. In addition to these skills, the course also aims to develop speaking and listening skills with activities designed to bring students closer to the academic context and to improve their postgraduate language skills and awareness.
TDE-454 Contemporary Turkish Literature IIExamining the prose genres of the Republican period Turkish literature from its beginnings to the present day. Analyzing different prose genres, and observing the evolution and development in our history of short stories, theater, novellas, and novels.
TDE-458 Epic Tradition (Elective Course)In this course, extensive information will be provided about pre-Islamic and post-Islamic Turkish epics.
TDE-448 Seminar II (Elective Course)Presenting an academic study prepared with appropriate methods and techniques on a designated topic.